And the D&AD Pencil (sharpener) goes to...
February 2016
We had a fantastic afternoon hosting the D&AD Pub Quiz 2016 at the fringe events in Shoreditch last week. The ‘sharpest minds’ quiz was part of the annual D&AD Festival – a three day celebration of creative excellence within the industry.
Hosted by Purpose at The Commercial Tavern, six teams battled it out through seven rounds of some pretty touch graphic design and branding questions.

We kicked off with ‘Yellogo’ asking teams to guess the brand, by only revealing just a tiny element of their yellow logos. Can you guess who they are?

This was followed by some general knowledge about D&AD history – Can you name who was elected the first D&AD president in 1970? Or which decade the first pencil was awarded?
We then opened our ears for the sound round, by guessing the brand from their recognisable tunes. Followed by a quick product design experiment, by asking each team to produce a handmade D&AD pencil in under 1 minute … using Playdoh.

The second half then drew upon the competitors design knowledge and fastest pencil sharpening abilities!

What a great effort from all the competitors, but we had a clear winner. Fresh Meat stormed ahead to become this year’s D&AD Festival Pub Quiz 2016 winner and proudly accepted the coverted D&AD Pencil (sharpener) trophy.
A big well done to Fresh Meat, and thank you to everyone who came along to compete in the Sharpest Minds Quiz 2016.